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Looking Ahead

Image by Estée Janssens

Parish Development Plan (PDP)

The Parish has a DEVELOPMENT PLAN which we would love you to read.

If you are interested in helping in any way with fulfilling our vision please see the relevant section leader.

Parish Development Plan

The Parish of Templepatrick & Donegore

 Wants to be

 A vibrant and welcoming church family relevant to everyone


 Being people who engage with the community in real, meaningful and Christ like ways

PDP Members

Steve Britton-Hall  

Anne Cinnamon     

Karl Egli

Kathy Gordon

Ann Kerr

Christopher   Lundy

Denise Martin
Stephen McCollam      

Elizabeth Smyth

Rev JeremyMould

Our aims (3-5 years)

  • To re-imagine our worship

  • Expand our youth and children’s ministry

  • To further develop our community engagement program

  • To grow new disciples and leaders 

  • To re-focus our finances 

  • To make our buildings fit for purpose


Aim: To re-imagine our worship


  • Further develop our All age worship service and encourage greater participation from families (e.g readers, pray etc)

  • In conjunction with our existing music ministry seek to develop contemporary music including a new music group

  • Introduce a new Sunday evening service which would include; praise and interactive discussion

  • Establish a service pattern in both worship centres and ensure this is communicated throughout the parish

  Team leader: Jeremy

  Team member(s): Kathy, Elizabeth, Ann K & Chris

Aim: Expand our youth and children’s ministry


  •  Explore a “mums & tots” (type) group

  • Develop link with schools

  • Introduce a “buddy” scheme around confirmation

  • Develop a Thursday evening event e.g. Messy church

  • Seek to employ a “specialist” staff member (full or part time)

  • Engage with the diocesan children’s officer, youth officer and attend diocesan events / training

  • Connect with work of Organisations


Team leader: Jeremy

Team member(s):  Anne C & Gail

Aim:  To further expand our community engagement  program


  • Raise parish profile throughout the area and develop a communication strategy

  • Carry out a parish / community needs survey

  • Develop a community engagement program based on survey results

  • Develop use of halls including establishing social / community events

  • Develop a welcome / parish information pack

Team leader: Denise

Team member(s): Wendy, Karl & Stephen 

Aim: To Grow new leaders / disciples


  • Introduce a discipleship course

  • Establish an “Alpha” type course

  • Develop prayer ministry / team

  • Develop a pastoral support team

Team leader: Jeremy

Team member(s):  

It was agreed to devolve the following aims/objectives to Select Vestry

Aim:      To re-focus our finances

Aim:      To ensure our buildings are fit for purpose

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