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Graveyard Rules


The officiating member of the clergy and churchwardens shall have the power to remove any bush, shrub or other form of growth which they consider detrimental to the burial ground or to any other interment space.


The planting of trees or shrubs, the laying of artificial wreaths or other adornments, and the use of artificial flowers are not permitted in the churchyard and may be removed. Glass containers are not permitted, and all dilapidated or damaged flower vases, etc., will be removed.


The time of the burial must not be arranged without prior permission of the officiating member of the clergy and churchwardens and reasonable notice must be given.


No burial may take place within 30 minutes of or during times of Divine Service.


No coffin shall be laid in any grave nearer to the surface than 1 metre, measuring from the upper part of the coffin.


A fee will be charged where cremated remains are being interred in an existing grave. (See fees section for cremated remains).


Interest in any particular interment space is limited to only those interment spaces which were reregistered in 1989.


In the interest of graveyard maintenance, new surrounds are not permitted


All floral and other tributes may be removed from the grave 4 to 8 weeks after the interment, on the instruction of the officiating member of the clergy and churchwardens.


Each person in whose name a grave has been registered must keep the grave and any erection thereon in good order and repair. On failure to do so the officiating member of the clergy and Churchwardens may have the same put in order and repaired at the expense of the party concerned, or may have the erection laid flat, and may refuse the opening of the said grave until all costs have been repaid. .


No major or disruptive grave maintenance work may be carried out on a Sunday.


No domestic animals other than guide dogs are to be brought into the graveyard.


Foundations of headstones must be a minimum of 300mm deep from ground level and be 100mm wider on each side than the headstone.


Foundations of headstones must be a minimum of 300mm deep from ground level and be 100mm wider on each side than the headstone.

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